Sunday, June 28, 2020
1:00- 3:00 p.m. CLT
In a world where technology has become centric and digital transformation is enforced, new forms of teaching and learning have become inevitable. Therefore, the Faculty of Law has organised a second webinar that was held via Microsoft Teams about blended learning.
Dr. Hend Khalil, Assistant Professor and English Language Module Leader, delivered a presentation entitled, “Blended Learning: The New Normal for Higher Education.”
Dr. Mohamed El-Guindy, Cyber Security Expert, the Centre for Law and Emerging Technologies, delivered a presentation entitled, “Blended Learning Environments in Higher Education.”
Dr. Hend Khalil introduced the different blended learning models, tackled the three suggested scenarios for semester 1 (2020-2021) and proposed the blended learning model for each scenario. Dr. Mohamed El-Guindy introduced the UNESCO framework of blended learning and different blended learning case studies from a number of universities around the world. The presentations were then followed by a Q&A session teemed with insightful questions and great ideas.