Dr. Zeinab Nawar
Office 246 - Building G

Research Interests:

Local Economic Development , The small and Meduim Enterprises , Poverty and Inequalities, The Industrialization in emerging markets, Aid to the developing world.


Teaching Interests:

Local Economic Development, Theories of growth and Development, Microeconomics, The Sustainability areas. 


Teaching Experience:

The British University in Egypt: Lecturer

  • Microeconomics: Undergraduate Core Course to teach the students the microeconomic theory, together with some empirical results and policy implications. The behavior of consumers and firms.


  • Introduction to The Economic Environment : Undergraduate Core Course to teach the students theories of growth, Different indicators of economic growth and development,  International experiences for Economic growth


  • Introduction to Economics: Undergraduate Core Course to teach students the principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics


  • Introduction to Economics ( Law and economy) : Undergraduate core course to teach the Principles of economics and link it with law and law cases. 

The British University in Egypt: Assistant Lecturer

  • Microeconomics: Undergraduate Core Course to teach the students the microeconomic theory


  • Macroeconomics: Undergraduate Core Course to teach the students the basic economic concepts, Macroeconomic indicators, and macroeconomic issues. 


  • Introduction to the Economic Environment: Undergraduate Core Course to teach the students theories of growth.


  • The American University in Cairo:  Teaching Assistant (Fellowship)

–            Introduction to Economics: Undergraduate course to teach the students the principles of economics.

–              Economic Development in the Middle East: Graduate course to analyze and to discuss the main developmental issues of the Middle East. 

–              Essentials of Public Policy and Administration:  Graduate course to teach the main theories of Public Administration, to compare between the public administration system in Egypt and other countries ( the main focus was on the budget)

Practical Experience

-    Active speaker in several TV shows explaining to the audience the main economic issues and challenges Egypt is facing.

-   A vice President of the Economic Committee of the “ Future of Nations” Political Party, presented policy papers to the Egyptian government related to the following economic issues :

-  Egypt’s foreign debt

-  Suggestions to deal with the increasing Inflation rate.    

Managed  developmental projects in both the Ministry of Local Development and the Ministry of Finance as being an integral part for some of the reform projects that implemented in Egypt   


The Ministry of Local Development – Office of the Minister  

–        Managed the Project of Local Economic Development in El Fayoum governorate.

–        Assisted in the Management of the Projects :

o   Local Development Observatory

o   The financial decentralization for some economic sectors in Egypt.


The Ministry of Finance – Office of the Minister 

–        Assisted in the Management of the Projects :

o   Greater Cairo Urban Transportation Project 

o   Monitoring Public Ownership Project

o   Twining Project with the EU for the restructuring of the Real Estate Authority.

o   Waste Management Project.

o   The Establishment of Venture Capital Fund.

  • PhD in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University,Egypt.
  • MSc. in Economics, 2008, The American University in Cairo, Egypt.
  • BSc. in Management Sciences, 2000, El-Sadat Academy for Management Sciences, Cairo,Egypt.
Research Interests
  • Economics and the management of Developmental Projects. - Doing the fieldwork and surveys.
Journal Articles
  • Nawar, Zeinab, Reversing the Question: Does Happiness Affect Individual’s Productivity?, El Sadat Academy Annual conference, 12 December,2018, Cairo, Egypt 
  • Nawar; Zeinab, Official Development Assistance and Economic Growth - The Showcase of Egypt', Phd Dissertation, Faculty of Economics and Political sciences, Cairo University, Egypt, 2018.
  • Nawar et al; '  Official Development Assistance and Economic Growth - The Showcase of Egypt- Revisited ', The SANKALPA International Journal of Management Decisions, Bi- Annual, Vol.3, issues 1& 2,  Utkal University , India, December 2017.
  • Nawar et al; Official Development Assistance and Economic Growth in Egypt , The Annual Cairo Business Research Conference, The Global Research Institute for Business Academics,  3-4 July, 2017, Cairo, Egypt.
White Papers
  • The experience of Local Economic Development in South Africa and suggestions for the implementation for Egypt- The National Institute of Planning.
Dissertations Supervised
  • Managed the Pilot Project of Local Economic Development in both El Fayoum and Sohag govern orates. This to include the followings : - Training and supervising the local teams. Connecting local teams with the Ministry of Local Development and participated in preparing and qualifying a team at the Ministry. - Coordinating various activities within the local economy and business environment assessments at the govern orates, ensuring their implementation according to the TORs, and conduct fast track assessments when needed.
  • Supervising the establishment of local economic development forums at the govern orates and guide local teams to activate these forums.
  • Supervising the preparation of local economic development strategies at the govern orates.
University Groups