As part of its mission, the purpose of the BUE is to help build strong technical and business skills that attract inward investment to Egypt. To achieve this, the BUE has a vision that its learning and teaching should produce skilled and capable graduates to serve the local, regional and international community.
This can only happen by providing an academic environment that encourages and draws together research, learning, and teaching and engages with the social, professional and business communities, to underpin high quality academic provision, and advance industry and the professions.
This is achieved via close and intimate collaboration and understanding between the university, the business community and society.
Accordingly, the BUE has thus formed a University-Industrial Liaison Committee that aims to:
- Establish grounds for successful industrial collaboration and provide multiple avenues for collaboration, including recruiting academic staff from industry, inviting industrial personnel to the University for guest lectures and involving them in student research projects.
- Establish a technological centre through collaboration with industrial organisations to provide an industrial environment where local and international industry professionals, teaching and research staff will interact and collaborate on joint projects.
- Offer a wide choice of approved internship facilities that prepare graduates for employment.
- Propose solutions to industrial technical problems in Egyptian organisations.
- Help ensure BUE programmes equip students with the knowledge and skills employers need.
For further information contact Professor David A. Kirby (