Undergraduate Admissions
For online Application: Apply Now
Consistent with BUE mission “to provide a British-style education of the highest quality supplying graduates that feed and stimulate industry, social and public services and commercial activities of Egypt, the Middle East and beyond,” BUE has embarked on transforming the university into a research-led institution of the first class by creating research centers and attracting internationally recognised, research active academic staff. Moreover, graduate programmes have been an important part of BUE development plan. Today, following graduation of the first undergraduate cohorts from the Faculty of Engineering in 2010, and from the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science in 2009, the two faculties are launching graduate programmes which offer Masters Degrees in three academic programs in advanced technologies which serve energy, materials, and web sciences.
Details of the academic programmes offered at BUE are provided in this website, including the requirements for joining the programmes and online application. Additional inquiries about a specific programme are welcome through the designated Faculty.
Apply Now: http://postgraduates.bue.edu.eg/pgs/pgs.aspx
Training Centres
Objectives of the Centre
The services provided by the Centre is based on the needs of industry and the community at large, within the areas of specialisation offered by the BUE (currently Business Administration, Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Languages and Political Science).
Specifically CCCS, offers therefore
1. Specially designed (bespoke) training programmes for individual clients
2. Regularly scheduled short courses and seminars
3. Regularly Scheduled Professional Development Programmes
4. Research and Consultancy activities
5. Problem solving & special Studies
Summer Training
- In order to provide students with the necessary professional skills, the BUE has identified the need for industrial interaction for the students of today who would graduate to be the workforce of tomorrow.
- The Faculty of Engineering requires its students to attend a compulsory training program twice along their five years of study. Achieving that objective requires the organization and coordination with a wide range of industrial contacts that are willing to provide that opportunity for the students.
- Engineering students are required to spend an average of 300 training hours/year. Industrial Internships are required in the summer of year 2 and year 3 of their degree program. Industrial internships are designed to provide an opportunity for students to interact with real world problems and implement any taught procedures and/or activities. Students are prepared to perform specific tasks according to their year of study. Students shall be allocated proper training venues as a result of any of the following:
1. Internship fairs held at BUE.
2. Industrial contacts established by academic staff at their degree program.
3. Industrial liaison committee at the faculty of engineering
4. Any other personal contacts.
- BUE students shall be treated during their internship programmes as on the job trainees whereby specific tasks shall be assigned to them as appropriate to their level of knowledge as indicated in the training profile.
- It is the sole responsibility of students to seek knowledge and understanding of all matters underpinning their assigned tasks. Students shall collect complete information as appropriate to their training venue.
Summer Training Application/Registration Form