Prof. Yasmin Khodary is the winner of the renowned regional award “Abdul Hameed Shoman Award for Arab Researchers”, the highest research award in the British University in Egypt “Principal Researcher Award”, Ahmed Bahaa Eldin Award for Young Researchers and the Fellowship of Merit from the AUC.
Prof. Khodary has been working in development in areas of education, governance, anti-corruption, public participation and democracy for the past 15 years. Prof. Khodary is proud to have supervised and prepared, for the first time in Egypt, governance assessments for three lively sectors: education, health, and water and sanitation based on nationally owned governance indicators. This work received the Certificate of Honor from Coady Institute of Governance in Canada.
Moreover, she has organized - for the first time in Egypt- community dialogues over anti-corruption legislations and have organized a series of meetings with different stakeholders inside the Ministry of Planning to institutionalize participatory planning.
Throughout the past years, she won the BUE Young Investigators’ Grant, the Associate of Middle East and Africa Grant, the UNDP-PACDE Project Award on Corruption Risks in Health & Education, the Democratic Governance Thematic Trust Fund (DGTTF) Project Award from the UNDP on Youth Engagement and Participation, and Democratic Governance Thematic Trust Fund (DGTTF) Project Award from the UNDP on fighting corruption in Egypt.
Furthermore, she has been selected by Adam Smith International for a three weeks practical training in London on public policy and policy papers making, and presenting. She has also been selected by DAAD among Arab Policy Makers in the field of education to engage in a one month professional Program in Germany including spending two weeks in the German Bundestag to observe higher education policy-making in Germany
Prof. Khodary is also a member of several scientific and professional communities, such as the Associate of Middle East and Africa (ASMEA), the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) in London, the Political Studies Association (PSA) in London, the Academic Integrity Network by Transparency International, the Association for Middle Eastern Public Policy and Administration (AMEPPA), the EU-Middle East Forum (EUMEF), the Good Governance in Medicine (GGM) Network by WHO, the Good Governance in Health Network by WHO.
Post-Doc Research fellowship/visit to Brown University's Advanced Research Institute, USA.
Post-Doc Research fellowship/visit to the Danish Institute for Human Right (DIHR), Denmark.
Ph.D in International Relations, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.
Ph.D. in International Development, the American University of London.
M.A. in Development, the American University in Cairo.
B.Sc. in Political Science, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University.
- Public Policy
- Governance
- Corruption Research and Measurement
- Gender Studies and Women Rights
- Peace-Building
- State-Building
- Resistance Movements
Khodary, Y. (2022), Social Accountability Initiatives in Egypt: Unlocking the ‘Black Box’ of Contextual Factors, in Bergh, Pellissery, and Sathyamala (Ed.) The State of Accountability in the Global South. Edward Elgar (Forthcoming).
Khodary, Y. (2022), Realities and Prospects of the Turkey-NATO Relations in light of the Syrian Crisis. Journal of the Social Sciences (Forthcoming).
Khodary, Y. (2022), The Conception of Masculinity between Constancy and Change: A Case Study of Women’s Right to Inherit in Egypt, Palgrave Handbook of Men and Masculinities in Africa, NY: Palgrave (Forthcoming).
Khodary, Y. (2022), Social Accountability in Challenging Environments: Case Studies from Egypt, Middle East Law and Governance Journal, BRILL.
Khodary, Y. (2022), Women, Land and Rural development in Egypt: A Socio-Cultural Perspective, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies.
Khodary, Y. (2022), An Analysis of Social Accountability and Local Governance Interventions in Egypt During the Transition, in Hamid E. Ali and Shahjahan Bhuiyan (ed.) Institutional Reforms, Governance, and Services Delivery in the Global South, Springer.
Khodary, Y and Salah, N. (2020). Palestinian Women Agency. Journal of Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice. 32(1).
Khodary, Y. (2020). How Much Difference Can We Make? Assessing the Change in Students’ Critical Thinking in a Private Political Science Program in Egypt. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 1-26.
Khodary, Y., Salah, N., & Mohsen, N. (2020). Middle Eastern Women between Oppression and Resistance: Case Studies of Iraqi, Palestinian and Kurdish Women of Turkey. Journal of International Women's Studies, 21(1), 204-226.
Khodary, Y., & Hamdy, N. (2019). FGM in Egypt between socio-cultural barriers and lack of political will. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 252-262.
Khodary, Y. (2019). Setting the foundation for democratization: Assessing the quality of a political science program in Egypt. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp. 733-752.
Khodary, Y. and Nikolakakis N. (2019). Realities and Prospects of the Turkey-NATO Relations in light of the Syrian Crisis. Trends for Research and Strategic Studies Journal.
Khodary, Y. (2018). Illicit financial flows and Tax Reforms in Egypt: Mapping of the Literature and Synthesis of the Evidence", the Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR).
Khodary, Y. (2018). What Difference Can It Make? Assessing the impact of gender equality and empowerment in matters of inheritance in Egypt. The Journal of the Middle East and Africa, 1-21.
Khodary, Y. (2016). Women and Peace Building in Iraq". Journal of Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice. Taylor & Francis, 28:499-507.
Khodary, Y. (2016). Good Governance: A New Perspective for Institutional Reform- A Comparative View of the Education, Health and Water Sectors in Egypt”. International Journal of Public Policy, vol. 12, issue 3/4/5/6, pp. 359-377.
Khodary Y. (2016). Public Participation in Public Policy: Case Studies on Egypt’s Right to Information Draft Law and National Plan”. International Journal of Political Science and Development. 4(1): 16-25.
Khodary, Y. (2016). Good Governance and Anti-Corruption: Conceptualization and Measurements. Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science. Volume 17. No. 4. Cairo University.
Khodary Y. (2016). Good Governance in Basic Education in Egypt: Paradoxical or Self Explanatory?”. International Journal of Political Science and Development. 3(9): 400-411.
Khodary Y. (2015). Women, Local Governance, and State-building in Egypt, New York: International Peace Institute.